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Health Sciences Education Research: SMHS Only

Peer-reviewed publications on research in medicine and health sciences education by the George Washington University SMHS, SON, and GWSPH faculty.

2020 SMHS Publications

Benavides, A., Gregorio, N., Gupta, P., & Kogan, M. (2020). Medical students are unprepared to counsel patients about medical cannabis and want to learn more. Complementary Therapies in Medicine, 48, 102237. doi:S0965-2299(19)31295-6 [pii] Find It @ Himmelfarb

Bullen, T. R., Brown, K., Ogle, K., Liu, Y. T., & Jurjus, R. A. (2020). Using ultrasound to teach living anatomy to non-medical graduate students. Surgical and Radiologic Anatomy : SRA, doi:10.1007/s00276-020-02436-4 [doi] Find It @ Himmelfarb

Evashwick, C., Tao, D., Perkio, M., Grivna, M., & Harrison, R. (2020). A scoping review of studies evaluating the education of health professional students about public health. Public Health, 178, 105-111. doi:S0033-3506(19)30279-3 [pii] Find It @ Himmelfarb

Fairman, Robert T., Vu, Milkie, Haardörfer, Regine, Windle, Michael, Berg,Carla J.,. (2020). Prescription stimulant use among young adult college students: Who uses, why, and what are the consequences? Journal of American College Health Journal of American College Health, , 1-8. Find It @ Himmelfarb

Marek, S. C., Cuzzi, S., & Bhansali, P. (2020). Pediatric resident training in the community hospital setting: A survey of program directors. Academic Pediatrics, 20(2), 275-281. doi:S1876-2859(19)30432-2 [pii] Find It @ Himmelfarb

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Laura Abate
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