Clinical Care

Description: Evidence-based resource providing disease and drug information. Disease information uses step-by-step approach, covering prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. Disease information in epocrates+ is produced by the BMJ Publishing Group and the drug information is produced by Epocrates Inc.
Access: Courtesy of Epocrates, Inc.
Instructions: Epocrates, Inc. provides free app access to pre-professional health sciences students; free app access is provided at the company's discretion. Himmelfarb Library's license provides all GW users web access via epocrates+.
Nursing and SMHS non-MD students: Contact Epocrates to request a student discount code.
- Create a personal Epocrates account using your GW email address: https://www.epocrates.com/createaccount
- Email the following information to support@epocrates.com
- Name and email registered with epocrates
- Your university (George Washington University) and your expected graduation year
- Your area study and university email address
MD Students:
- Epocrates will ask for your Medical Education Number to unlock free access to epocrates+. To obtain your ME number, please contact the AMA Unified Service Center at 1-800-621-8335.
- Create a personal Epocrates account using your GW email address and select 'Medical Student' as your Occupation: https://www.epocrates.com/createaccount
- Install the free Epocrates app, and then login with your login/password.
- Tap "See all" to open the Quick Reference area and tap on "Diseases".
- The "Activate your free medical student subscription to epocrates+" screen should display; click the button to activate epocrates+ then provide your personal ME number.
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