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Library Policies: Onsite Access to Himmelfarb Library

Onsite Access to Himmelfarb Library

Physical access to Himmelfarb Library is restricted to graduate students, and undergraduate majors, medical residents, faculty and staff of The George Washington University Schools of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), Milken Institute School of Public Health (GWSPH), and Nursing (SON). Faculty of other programs within the University also have onsite library access.

A current GWorld card is required for entry:

All affiliates must present a valid GWorld card upon physical entry to Himmelfarb Library.

NOTE: Hospital employees currently do not have onsite Himmelfarb Library access.

Detailed Himmelfarb Library Onsite Access Policies

Physical access to Himmelfarb Library is restricted to graduate students, and undergraduate majors, medical residents, faculty and staff of The George Washington University Schools of Medicine and Health Sciences (SMHS), Milken Institute School of Public Health (GWSPH), and Nursing (SON). Faculty of other programs within the University also have onsite library access.

For questions or further information, please contact Catherine Sluder, Access Coordinator at

SMHS = School of Medicine and Health Sciences

GWSPH = Milken Institute School of Public Health

SON = School of Nursing

UHS = GW Hospital

MFA = Medical Faculty Associates

CNHS = Children’s National Health System

IBS = Institute for Biomedical Sciences

M-ATS = Master of Science in Anatomical and Translational Sciences

GCATS = Graduate Certificate in Anatomical and Translational Sciences


GW Students

Unrestricted Onsite Himmelfarb Library Access

  • SMHS/GWSPH/SON advanced degree students
  • GW Medical and Health Sciences Residents
  • Students pursuing advanced degrees in the following university programs:
    • Biochemistry
    • IBS
    • Epidemiology/Biostatistics

Onsite Access to Himmelfarb Library's 1st Floor, B1 Level, & 3rd Floor (No Library Study Rooms Access)

  • GW Undergraduate students with declared major in SMHS/GWSPH/SON
  • GW Early Selection Program undergraduates (seven-year BA/MD program)
  • CNHS Residents (with current GWorld card)
  • Visiting Medical Students from another school currently on rotation at GW Hospital (with current GWorld card)
  • Governor’s Health Sciences Academy students (with current GWorld card)

No Onsite Himmelfarb Access

  • Students in non-SMHS/GWSPH/SON degree programs*
  • University students taking an SMHS/GWSPH/SON class*
  • Non-Degree students taking an SMHS/GWSPH/SON class*
  • Consortium students taking an SMHS/GWSPH/SON class*
  • Undergraduate students with declared minor in SMHS/GWSPH/SON
  • Pre-Med undergraduates
  • Tutors who are not seeking SMHS/GWSPH/SON degrees
  • SMHS/GWSPH/SON students on a Leave of Absence
  • All other University students

* NOTE: Class Professor may request semester onsite access for a student if the class meets in Himmelfarb and/or the student requires access to onsite physical reserve material. Physical Library access is restricted to the 1st floor, B1 level, and 3rd floor. (Library study room access is not permitted).

GW Alumni

Onsite Himmelfarb Access

  • GW Alumni with an SMHS/GWSPH/SON degree
    • SMHS/GWSPH/SON alumni are required to have a current Alumni GWorld card, which are available to purchase at the GWorld Office.

No Onsite Himmelfarb Access

  • ALL other GW Alumni without an SMHS/GWSPH/SON degree

GW Faculty

Unrestricted Onsite Himmelfarb Access

  • All current University faculty
  • All Emeritus University faculty

No Onsite Himmelfarb Access

  • All retired or former University faculty (including SMHS/GWSPH/SON)

GW Staff

Unrestricted Onsite Himmelfarb Access

  • Current SMHS/GWSPH/SON staff (must have an active GWorld card.)
  • Current MFA employees must present a letter or email from their HR Department to the GWorld Office to get an MFA GWorld card. To add Himmelfarb access to the card, MFA employees must then request library access by contacting the following: (Ross Hall Resource Management) and (Catherine Sluder, Himmelfarb Access Coordinator).

No Onsite Himmelfarb Access

  • All retired or former University staff (including SMHS/GWSPH/SON)

GW Active Temporary Affiliates

Onsite Access to Himmelfarb Library's 1st Floor & B1 Level (No 3rd Floor or Library Study Rooms Access)

  • Visiting Medical students currently on rotation at GW (must have a GWorld card)
  • Visiting Medical and Health Sciences Residents (must have a GWorld card)
  • Visiting Scholars (must have a GWorld card)
  • Corporate Members (sponsored by Himmelfarb Library)
  • Himmelfarb wage account employees not otherwise affiliated with the library: access only for work-related activities (must have a GWorld card)

No Onsite Himmelfarb Access

  • SMHS/GWSPH/SON wage account employees not otherwise affiliated with the library*
  • Visiting Scholars without a GWorld card
  • All other University temporary affiliates

Non-GW Affiliates

No Onsite Himmelfarb Access

  • Physical access to Himmelfarb Library is closed to the general public (including local area physicians).

(Last update: 12/18/2023)