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Covidence: Importing References

Covidence will accept references imported in PubMed format, RIS text format, or EndNote XML format. This page has instructions for exporting results from some specific databases.

Add sources on file imports


Q: I keep trying to import my file, but I get an error message. What am I doing wrong?

A: In order to import files, Covidence requires you to be either on campus or on the GW VPN.


1. Run your search.

2. Click Save above the search results.

3. Choose All Results. (If only exporting certain articles, select those articles by clicking the checkbox next to each one, and under Save choose "Selection".) Select the format PubMed.

4. Save the file and import it into Covidence.


Method 1 (Fewer than 20,000 results)

1. Run your search.

2. Select All and click Export.

3. Choose which information you want to export. (We recommend selecting at least 'Citation Information' and 'Abstract & Keywords'.) Select RIS format under method of export, and export the file.

4. Import the file into Covidence.

Method 2 (More than 20,000 results)

Scopus will not export more than 20,000 results at a time into RIS format.

1. Follow the same steps as Method 1, but when you click Export, fill in Documents 1-20000 prior to exporting.

Image showing how to export documents from Scopus

2. Repeat, changing the document numbers as necessary until you have exported all of the results.

3. Import all the files into Covidence.

Importing citations

Uploading PDFs

EBSCO Databases (CINAHL, PsycInfo, SportsDiscus, etc.)

Method 1

1. Run your search and select Share on the far right side of the result page just above the first search result.

2. Select the link under Export Results.

3. Provide your email address and select RIS format

4. When you get the email, download the file.

5. Open the zip file to get to the .ris file.

6. Import the .ris file into Covidence.

Method 2

1. Run your search and select Page Options. Change number of results per page to maximum (50).

2. Click Share and add results to Folder by clicking Results (1-50).

3. Repeat for every page of results until you have all results saved.

4. Go to Folder at the top right.

5. Select all articles and select Export.

6. Save the file in RIS format and import into Covidence.