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Case Reports: Where to Publish Case Reports

What is a Case Report?

"Case reports are solely descriptions of practice, and they can generate ideas, hypotheses, and techniques that can be tested or studied later through controlled experiments. A case report can serve more than one purpose; it might convey experiences to other clinicians while revealing hypotheses for future research, or it might provide material for teaching and learning while assisting in the evolution of theory. It might persuade or motivate other practitioners, or help develop practice guidelines and critical pathways." 

McEwen, I. (2009). Writing case reports: A how-to manual for clinicians. Alexandra, Virginia: The American Physical Therapy Association.

Case Report Author Instructions

The following journals specialize in publishing case reports. Article submission instructions can be viewed by clicking on each title. Many of these titles are open access, meaning the author may have to pay an article processing charge in exchange for having the article immediately readable for all without the need for a subscription. The Article Processing Charge column (accurate as of 1/18/2023, may change over time) shows the cost for authors if their case report is accepted for publication.

Title Article Processing Charge
AJP Reports (Perinatology) $3,050
American Journal of Case Reports $995
BMJ Case Reports FREE (See box on right)
Case Reports in Dermatology $1,120
Case Reports in Gastroenterology $1,120
Case Reports in Nephrology and Dialysis $1,120
Case Reports in Neurology $1,120
Case Reports in Oncology $1,520
Case Reports in Ophthalmology $1,520
CEN (Clinical & Experimental Nephrology) Case Reports $3,790
Clinical Case Reports $1,730
Clinical Medicine Insights. Case Reports $2,650
Endocrinology, Diabetes & Metabolism Case Reports $1,033.65
Epilepsy & Behavior Reports $850 - $2,310
European Journal of Pediatric Surgery Reports $3,050
Experimental & Clinical Endocrinology & Diabetes Reports $3,260
Gynecologic Oncology Case Reports $750
HeartRhythm Case Reports  $1,100
Human Pathology Reports $1,090
International Journal of Surgery Case Reports

Case Series: $1,850

Case Reports: $1,370

JAAD Case Reports (Dermatology)  $750
Journal of Investigative Medicine High Impact Case Reports

AFMR Members: $450

Non-Members: $1,200

Journal of Clinical and Translational Endocrinology Case Reports  $1,190
Journal of Medical Case Reports $1,655
Journal of Neurological Surgery Reports $3,050
Journal of Pediatric Surgery Case Reports $1,030
Journal of Radiology Case Reports $950
Journal of Surgical Case Reports

Case Report/Surgical Technique: $849

Case Series: $970

Medical Mycology Case Reports $650
Oxford Medical Case Reports $1,050
Radiology Case Reports $550
Respiratory Medicine Case Reports $1,200
SAGE Open Medical Case Reports $2,000
Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeon Reports $2,440
***Updated 7/19/2024*** ***Updated 7/19/2024***

Medical Journals that Accept Case Reports

BMJ Case Reports

BMJ Case Reports accepts cases in a wide range of clinical and non-clinical specialties, so there are opportunities for students, staff, and faculty in medicine, nursing, and public health. A full list of BMJ Case Reports' specialties can be viewed on their Browse by Topic page.

BMJ Case Reports makes it easy to submit cases by providing templates for full cases, "Images in" cases, and global health cases. These templates can be accessed, along with additional guidelines for writing, on the Instructions for Authors page.


GW Institutional Fellowship: 

Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library pays for an institutional fellowship with BMJ Case Reports, which allows GW faculty, staff, and students to publish case reports without having to pay individual fellowship fees. If you are a GW faculty member, staff member, or student and wish to submit a case to BMJ Case Reports, please contact Joe McGraw, Serials Librarian ( to receive the GW fellowship code.


Information for Non-GW Affiliates:

Non-GW affiliates are encouraged to contact their institutions to learn if their institution pays for an institutional fellowship with BMJ Case Reports. Alternatively, authors may also purchase an individual fellowship with BMJ Case Reports. Individual fellowships allow authors to submit as many cases as they wish during their 12-month fellowship period free of charge.

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    Last Updated Nov 12, 2024 7199 views this year