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Correcting Misinformation with Patients: Resources, Guides, and Strategies

Guides and Strategies

Identifying and Combating Health Misinformation Online

A series of webinars hosted by the Network of the National Library of Medicine (NNLM) explores ways to identify and correct medical misinformation from Wikipedia, social media, and more. Speakers discuss various aspects of online health misinformation, how to identify it, and how to help curb its spread.

Correction of Health Misinformation on Social Media - This presentation covers research on the correction of misinformation on social media. It also discusses misinformation on social media in general, how and why to correct it, and best practices for doing so. September 2020. 

Identifying and Combating Health Misinformation: Health and Medical Information on Wikipedia - This webinar gives special attention to health and medical information articles, fringe theories, and controversial topics covered in the news. You can gain an insiders’ perspective on the editorial process of Wikipedia to confidently evaluate the quality of health and medical information articles and content on the popular free online encyclopedia. October 2020. 

Understanding Vaccine Hesitancy and Social Media's Role In Spreading Vaccine Misinformation - March 2021. 

Addressing Health Misinformation at the Scale of the Internet - In this session, we will focus on the unique role that health practitioners, experts and library systems can play in responding to related challenges. March 2021.

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Immunization Education & Training - CDC offers many immunization education and training programs for healthcare personnel. A variety of topics and formats are available which discuss immunization basics and vaccine-specific information.

Vaccine Communication Strategies for Healthcare Providers - provided through the DC Department of Health, "this module reviews the population health impact of vaccinations on the community. This includes the vaccine campaigns, health benefits, risk-factors, vaccine hesitancy and impact of misinformation so that health professionals can effectively communicate with patients about vaccinations. ​This module will be a lecture style format with integrated questions throughout. ​This module will be approximately 1 hour in length for viewing and completion of the evaluation​. This module is approved for 1 hour of CME."