Additional materials and references will be added to the slides for next year’s session.
With the first session delivered, librarians can evaluate the success of the current updates and further develop the curriculum. Additional references and materials will be added to the session to respond to student and librarian feedback. Critical data literacy is a necessity in relation to more than just clinical algorithms. Broader applications and wider integration will be pursued. Librarians will further develop curriculum with an eye towards algorithmic bias, artificial intelligence, data donation, and other emerging issues.
Beyond these specific considerations, more generally, we hope to
Examine materials for other librarian-led sessions and courses with a critical lens
Continue the conversations of critical data literacy, collection, and use among librarians
Expand critical data literacy instruction to other audiences
Emphasizing the connection of understanding the originating dataset to applying clinical guidance and algorithms to individual patients, particularly coupled with use of the PICO framework, i.e. consider the population, the risk factors studied, and the outcomes tracked
Churchwell K, Elkind MSV, Benjamin RM, Carson AP, Chang EK, Lawrence W, et al. Call to action: structural racism as a fundamental driver of health disparities: a presidential advisory from the American Heart Association. Circulation [Internet]. 2020 Dec 15 [cited 2021 Apr 14];142(24). Available from:
Emphasizing the importance of interrogating training data used in AI/ML