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Milken Institute School of Public Health: Listservs


General Listserv Information

Listservs are email lists which manage discussions by disseminating messages to many people at one time. The student listservs provide information on school activities and policies. Click on the appropriate group listed below for instructions on joining. 

Listservs communicate messages to all people who have joined. When you reply to a listserv message, check carefully to whom you are sending the message. Most often, you will want to reply to the individual who sent the message, rather than the entire listserv. 

To send a message to a list, address it to the list name. Example: to send a message to the MED2028 list:


One message can be sent to several lists; just separate the addresses with commas:


To unsubscribe and leave a listserv

Please note you must remain subscribed to your class listserv while you remain a student at GWU School of Medicine and Health Sciences - the listservs are used as the official communication between the Dean's and you.

To unsubscribe from a list, from your GW email account create a new message:

MESSAGE TEXT: unsubscribe name-of-list
e.g. unsubscribe med2028

Joining the Med2028 Listserv

Go to your email program and choose Compose.

Type the bolded text below:

MESSAGE TEXT: subscribe med2028 your-first-name your-last-name

Joining the Med2027 Listserv

Go to your email program and choose Compose.

Type the bolded text below:

MESSAGE TEXT: subscribe med2027 your-first-name your-last-name

Joining the Med2026 Listserv

Go to your email program and choose Compose.

Type the bolded text below:

MESSAGE TEXT: subscribe med2026 your-first-name your-last-name

Joining the Med2025 Listserv

Go to your email program and choose Compose.

Type the bolded text below:

MESSAGE TEXT: subscribe med2025 your-first-name your-last-name

Joining the PAS2026 Listserv

Go to your email program and choose Compose.

Type the bolded text below:

MESSAGE TEXT: subscribe pas2026 your-first-name your-last-name

Joining the PAS2025 Listserv

Go to your email program and choose Compose.

Type the bolded text below:

MESSAGE TEXT: subscribe pas2025 your-first-name your-last-name

Joining the Global Public Health Listserv

  1. Address an email to
  2. Leave the subject box blank
  3. Write in the text box ONLY the following: Subscribe Globalpubh Firstname Lastname