The team leaders should complete various activities to help the team get and stay organized
The team leader sets the direction for the team by ensuring that the vision and goals are shared by team members
The team leader encourages team cohesiveness by focusing on various team building tools and activities
The team leader support team in completing tasks by focusing on strategies and action plans to meet specific objectives
The team leader should take specific steps to keep the team focused on the task
The team leader should provide support to the team by making logistical arrangements
The team leader ensures that everyone is up-to-date about the teams issues and accomplishments
2. Get Organized By. . .
Defining the team goal(s) as specifically as possible
Make sure that everyone understands what needs to be done
Listing tasks and sub-tasks to be completed
Break tasks into sub-components and include process tasks (i.e., ways of getting things done)
Assigning responsibility for all tasks
Assign tasks to every team member and ensure that they are satisfied with the assignment
Developing and posting the timeline and checklist for task completion
Build cushion into deadlines , make sure the entire team understands them, make final versions available to all team members, and track them in meetings
Setting up a central repository for electronic files
Make use of technology to create a common area the entire team can access; keep backup copies
Sending meeting notes and maintaining a communications archive
Ensure that all team members have the same understanding of what took place in the meeting; store information in case questions arise later
Sending reminders of deadlines and informing about completed tasks
Send reminders and encourage team members to keep each others informed
3. Set Direction By. . .
Creating a shared vision
What do we want the team experience to be?
What are we trying to accomplish?
Identifying shared values
What do we consider important?
What drives us?
How do we go about accomplishing our work?
Setting clear goals
What do we want to accomplish?
How will we measure attainment?
How will we ensure goals are achievable?
In what timeframe will be accomplish the goal?
4. Ensure Cohesiveness By. . .
Emphasizing common interests and values
Underscore mutual interests/shared objectives and explain why cooperation is necessary to attaining them
Using ceremonies and rituals
Use initiation rituals for entering members; “retirement” rituals for departing members; and ceremonies to celebrate special achievements
Using symbols to develop identification with the team
Use team name, slogan, or other identifiers to create team identity
Encouraging and facilitating social interaction
Hold periodic activities to facilitate social interaction
Sharing team activities and achievements
Keep members informed about plans, activities, and achievements
Explain how their work contributes to overall success of the mission
Conducting process analysis sessions
Have frank discussions about interpersonal relationships and group processes
Increasing incentives for mutual cooperation
Use spontaneous/informal rewards to emphasize the importance of service to the team
5. Get Things Done By. . .
Specifying objectives
Which components of the goal will we focus on?
How will we measure them?
Agreeing upon benchmarks/milestones
What performance targets will we set?
Uncovering issues
What are the barriers that interfere with the accomplishment of our goals?
Developing alternatives
What can we do to resolve the issues?
What else can we do?
Selecting strategies or action steps
What will we do about it?
6. Focus The Team On The Task By. . .
Brief the team on information and tools necessary to complete the task
Determine task assignments
Serve as the meeting chair
Initiate parallel sub-teams to resolve issues/perform tasks
Ensure satisfactory preparation of deliverables
Keep the team on track
Notice and deal with process issues
7. Coordinate Team Logistics By. . .
Establishing meeting time, place, and agendas
Obtaining necessary resources to support team requirements
Coordinating reviews, presentation, and release of the final output
Coordinating external meetings (if appropriate)
8. Communicate Team Information By. . .
Providing regular status reports of team activities related to the plan and schedule
Keeping everyone informed about task, accomplishments, issues, and status
Escalating issues which cannot be resolved by the team
9. Additional Reading
Bakken, E. (2007). Twelve ways to build an effective team. Retrieved from
Crow, K. (1999). Team leader responsibilities. Retrieved from
Hackman, J. R. (2002). Leading teams: Setting the stage for great performances. Boston, MA: Harvard Business School Press, pp. 61-93