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1. Overview
- Conflict is normal
- Conflict may lead to better solutions
- Conflict can be rational (cognitive) or emotional (affective)
- Individuals display various assertive or cooperative behaviors which determine how conflict will be resolved
- Handling conflict requires understanding of the causes, escalating factors, and techniques for resolution
- Team conflict resolution requires a deliberate process
2. Conflict is. . .
- Inevitable and inescapable (a normal part of life)
- A periodic occurrence in all relationships
- An opportunity to understand opposing perspectives, preferences, and values
- Good when it fuels change or growth
- Dysfunctional when it prevents the team from achieving its goal(s)
3. Benefits of Conflict
- Raises the awareness that a problem exists
- Highlights opportunities
- Encourages self-discovery and builds self esteem
- Promotes understanding of others’ perspectives
- Leads to new/improved ideas
- Reveals alternate choices or better solutions
- Challenges old assumptions and outdated practices/processes
- Encourages individual/team growth
- Leads to individual/team performance improvement (if managed effectively)
5. Behaviors During Conflict
6. Conflict Causes, Escalation, and Resolution
- Causes
- Competition (winning)
- Resource distribution (sharing)
- Power struggles (controlling)
- Task & process content (working)
- Personal differences (liking & disliking)
- Escalation
- Uncertainty > commitment
- Perception > misperception
- Soft tactics > hard tactics
- Reciprocity > retribution
- Irritation > anger
- Few > many
- Resolution
- Negotiation (Win/Win)
- Understanding (Empathy)
- Cooperative tactics (concern for others and self)
- Forgiveness (tit-for-tat cooperation and competition)
- Composure (count to 10, adjourn meeting, think before sending angry email)
- Few (reduce # of people involved, isolate)
7. Conflict Management Steps