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1. Overview
Promote clear communications with succinct, direct, and unique statements
Encourage effective communications by promoting team cohesiveness and ensuring collective understanding
Improve communications by using cooperative rather than competitive strategies
Cooperation is displayed by performing assigned roles, working together, and directing efforts toward a common goals
Deal with rudeness by investigating the behavior; confronting the behavior; deciding whether or not to respond; offering support
2. Promote Clear Communications By. . .
Stating or restating purpose/goals to ensure focus on priorities
Discussing one topic at a time
Leading with the main point
Making the point clearly and concisely
Keeping the message simple
Using short direct statements
Avoiding long-winded indirect arguments
Adding unique concepts (not repeating what others have said)
Stating decisions clearly to ensure understanding
Providing regular feedback to maintain focus on goals
3. Encourage Effective Communications By. . .
Promoting team cohesiveness
Recognize both personal and team goals
Commit to transparency (no hidden agendas)
Accept different opinions and perspectives
Ensuring collective understanding
Assess team members’ familiarity with information
Share all pertinent information (both positive and negative)
Confirm the meaning of common words across different professions
4. Improve Communications By. . .
Focusing on your perceptions instead of judging or accusing team members
Being problem oriented rather than controlling
Clarifying your needs and including team members in finding a solution instead of having ulterior motives
Conveying empathy for team members rather than indifference
Empowering team members and valuing their contributions instead of making them feel inferior or inadequate
Acknowledging other points of view and possibilities instead of being narrow minded and unwilling to listen
5. Foster Team Cooperation By. . .
Putting team needs first
Respecting and trust each other
Seeking out and share information
Incorporating and act on team members’ suggestions
Accepting and perform unpleasant tasks positively
Following through on action items
Completing individual tasks on time
Helping team members complete tasks, if necessary
6. Deal With Personal Attacks, Disrespect, and Antisocial Behavior By. . .
Investigating the behavior and addressing the underlying issues
Judge the person’s rudeness fairly (Was it a blind spot or malicious?)
Investigate the reason behind the rudeness by simply asking “Why are you treating me this way?”
Attempt to understand the person’s perspective
Address the root cause concealed behind the rudeness
Confronting the behavior
Call the person out on their inappropriate behavior in a polite, firm manner
Summarize the behavior so the person can realize how inappropriate it was
Avoid over analysis of the situation if confrontation doesn’t result in change
Deciding whether or not to respond
Take the power out of the rudeness by not taking it personally (even if it was meant that way)
Ignore the behavior, keep your dignity in tact, and refuse to escalate the situation
Remove yourself from the situation or limit contact
Realize that you can’t change other people
Refuse to engage habitual offenders; allow them to figure out their own issues
Supporting the individual when possible
Offer immediate help to resolve a frustrating situation
Increase your value to the person by becoming a problem solver
Resolve to remain professional and pleasant while offering assistance
7. Additional Reading
Anonymous (n.d.). How to deal with rude people – co-workers, associates, customers, managers, etc. Retrieved from
Gibb, J. R. (1982). Defensive communication. The Journal of Nursing Administration, 12(4), 14.
Johnson, D. W., & Johnson, F. P. (2013). Joining together: Group theory and group skills. Boston: Pearson.
Levi, D. (2011). Group dynamics for teams. Los Angeles, Calif. u.a.: SAGE, pp. 91-107.
Lizard, S (n.d.). 10 smart ways to deal with rude people. Retrieved from​
Riskin, A., Erez, A., Foulk, T.A., Kugelman, A., Gover, A., Shoris,I., Raskin, K.S., Bamberger, P.A. (2015). The impact of rudeness on medical team performance: A randomized trial. Pediatrics,136(3), 487-495.
Lesmeister, M.K. (2009). Working with others: Developing trust and cooperation. Retrieved from http://ufdcimages.uflib.ufl. edu/IR/00/00/33/47/00001/ FY74800.pdf