A clinical practice guideline is a systematically developed statement designed to help health care professionals make decisions about appropriate health care for specific clinical circumstances.
Guidelines attempt to do this by:
Find Clinical Practice Guidelines:
1. Go to ClinicalKey and limit the search to "Guidelines".
2. When searching MEDLINE, click on "Additional Limits", and limit by publication type (Practice Guideline).
Scope and Purpose
Stakeholder Involvement
Rigour of Development
Clarity and Presentation
Editorial Independence
The AGREE (Appraisal of Guidelines for Research & Evaluation) Instrument is a tool that assesses the methodological rigour and transparency in which a guideline is developed and it is used internationally.
The purpose of the AGREE Instrument is to provide a framework for assessing the quality of clinical practice guidelines.
The AGREE Instrument is designed to assess guidelines developed by local, regional, national, or international groups or affiliated government organizations. These include: