Number needed to treat (NNT) - The number of patients who need to be treated with the specified intervention to prevent one bad outcome or produce one good outcome over the period of time specified in the study.
Experimental event rate (EER) - The proportion of patients in the experimental treatment group who are observed to experience the outcome of interest.
Control event rate (CER) - The proportion of patients in the control group who are observed to experience the outcome of interest.
Absolute risk reduction (ARR) - The absolute arithmetic difference in rates of bad outcomes between experimental and control participants in a trial.
Relative risk reduction (RRR) - The proportional reduction in rates of bad outcomes between experimental and control participants in a trial.
Confidence Interval (CI) - A measure of the precision of the results of a study
P value - Refers to the probability that any particular outcome would have arisen by chance. The smaller the P value the less likely the data was by chance and more likely due to the intervention. Standard scientific practice, usually deems a P value of less than 1 in 20 (expressed as P=.05) as "statistically significant". The smaller the P value the higher the significance.
Questions to ask |
Patient Follow-up
Intention to Treat Analysis
Similar Baseline Characteristics of Patients
Equal Treatment
Summary of the article's validity |
Notable strengths: Weaknesses or concerns: How serious are the threats to validity and in what direction could they bias the study outcomes? |
Outcome Yes |
Outcome No |
Treated (Y) | a | b |
Control (X) | c | d |
Risk of Outcome: Y = a/(a+b)
Risk of Outcome: X = c/(c+d)
Relative Risk Reduction Can be Relatively Misleading (3 mins 31 secs)
Absolute Risk Reduction (ARR) is the difference in risk between the control group (X) and the treatment group (Y). ARR = X-Y
Number Needed to Treat (NNT) is the number of patients that must be treated over a given period of time to prevent one adverse outcome. NNT = 1/ARR
How To Calculate The Number Needed To Treat (3 mins 49 secs)