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Resources for Early Career Researchers: Data Management: Rigor and Reproducibility

This guide is designed to assist early career researchers with research and publication related questions. It provides an overview of tools and resources for individuals who are just getting started in their research career.


Data Management Requirement Timeline

Data Management Requirement Timeline

General data & Code sharing repositories

What is a Data Management Plan?

Most government agencies that fund research require those who receive grants to create a data management plan as part of the grant request process. 

A complete data management plan addresses the following:

  • Data Collection - collecting data that is reliable and valid.
  • Data Storage - collecting and storing the appropriate amount of data such that your research can be reconstructed.
  • Data Analysis - the interpretation of your data, how conclusions are derived from data.
  • Data Protection - insuring that sensitive data is not tampered with or stolen.
  • Data Ownership - the legal rights pertaining to your data.
  • Data Retention - determining how long data must be kept and how to properly destroy sensitive data.
  • Data Reporting - publication of data.
  • Data Sharing - sharing data with other researchers and the general public; when you should not share data.

Adapted from: Office of Research Integrity.  Guidelines for Responsible Data Management in Scientific Research.  Retrieved from

Data Management: A Cautionary Tale

A data management horror story by Karen Hanson, Alisa Surkis and Karen Yacobucci of NYU Health Sciences Library. This is what shouldn't happen when a researcher makes a data sharing request! Topics include storage, documentation, and file formats.