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Health Policy: Finding Legislative Info

Research Guide for the Department of Health Policy & Management

Research Guides

Research Guides
from the Gelman Library


Government Information (U.S.)

Legislative Histories of US Laws




News Sources

LexisNexis & Proquest Congressional

Additional resources Search engine for Congressional bills that have been proposed and enacted:

Once you know the Public Law number for a piece of enacted federal legislation, you can consult the Table of Classifications for Public Laws to identify what sections of the US Code were amended to incorporate the new wording, these are published on the website

Statescape. Browse for state legislation proposed this year:

Code of Federal Regulations (Cornell). Published in codified form.  Searchable by title and section number.  Title 42 for public health.:

OMB Regulatory Review Website. Shows federal regulations now or recently under review at OMB:

Congressional Quarterly (CQ)