Use these tutorials to improve your data/dataset/statistics search skills.
Public Health Reference: Data and Statistics. A list of statistics datasets is here
Health correlates include personal behaviors, environmental settings, social circumstances, and health care services.
Conditions, or indicators of wellness and disease, are another way to categorize health statistics.
(The data sets below typically need to be analyzed using statistical software like SAS, SPSS or Stata)
National Information Center on Health Services Research and Health Care Technology. Searchable directory of numerous health data sets, some but not all on the Internet:
Inter-University Consortium for Political and Social Research. Large searchable directory of social and policy data bases, including many health data sets. GW is a member of ICPSR, so has access to these. Some but not all the datasets are on the Internet.:
ResDAC. Data center at Univ. of Minnesota that specializes in helping others to analyze Medicare or Medicaid data: