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Health Policy: Data table generators

Research Guide for the Department of Health Policy & Management

Customized data table generators

Current Population Survey Table Creator. Lets you create quick tabulations of CPS data 2003 to 2008:

MEPS Table Generator. Lets you create quick tabulations from the Medical Expenditure Panel Survey household component:

BRFSS Web-enabled Analysis Tool. Lets you run quick crosstabs and logistic regression, using BRFSS data:

Vital Statistics Data. Access existing tables or quickly tabulate national, state and sometimes county vital statistics data:

NHQR and NHDR Query Systems. Access certain statistics on quality and health care disparities:

Medicaid Statistical Information System Datamart. Tool to analyze state-specific information on Medicaid enrollment and expenditures:

SAMHSA Data. Provides access to a variety of data sets related to substance use (and mental health), but a little cumbersome to use. :

PolicyMap. Online mapping tool that overlays statistical data from a vairety of sources in communities across the US, with links to the data tables from which the information was drawn.

Neighborhood Atlas - showing the Area Deprivation Index rating by zip code, can be used to identify income disparities