What is a Researcher Profile?: A researcher profile is a system that provides information on your scholarly output. There are a wide range of researcher profile systems--author identifier systems such as ORCiD, Scopus, and Web of Science; search engines with author profiles such as Google Scholar; and social networks for researchers such as Mendeley and ResearchGate. Having accurate researcher profiles is important for differentiating your works from other authors with similar names, helping you to comply with funder requirements, and demonstrating your impact for promotion and tenure purposes. For more information, explore our guide on Researcher Profiles.
Why Might I Need an Audit?: Navigating the multitude of systems can be challenging. Many researchers begin the process of setting up profiles, but then abandon the process due to a lack of time. Others have changed institutional affiliations and need to have profiles merged. And still others would benefit from having profiles linked in order to maximize time management. An audit of your researcher profiles in prominent systems can help to differentiate you from other researchers, allow you to quickly demonstrate your impact for professional advancement, and help you to build a professional network.
How We Can Help: If you are a faculty member or student with the School of Medicine and Health Sciences, the Milken Institute School of Public Health, or the School of Nursing at the George Washington University, the Himmelfarb Library would like help you take control of your researcher profile using prominent systems such as ScieENcv, ORCiD, Scopus, and Web of Science. We can help you with setting up profiles, merging multiple profiles within the same system, and more. We can also assist to ensure that your profiles are complete and help to streamline the process of maintaining your profile.
Interested? Submit an Audit Request and we'll get back to you with recommendations to improve your online research presence