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Borrow from Himmelfarb: Renewals and Holds


Renewing Materials

  1. Regular books and AV materials may be renewed twice as long as there is not a hold on that item and your record is in good standing. You can renew items:
    • Online by logging into your library account with your GW UserID and password. (The login prompt is in the upper right corner of the window.)
    • Over the phone by calling 202-994-2962.
    • In person at the Circulation Desk.
  2. Renewed items circulate for 3 weeks from the date of renewal.
  3. Reserve materials cannot be renewed.

Overdue fees are assessed if materials are renewed late. If an item is needed for longer than the normal renewal period, contact the Circulation Desk Manager at (202) 994-1829.


Placing Holds
If you need a book that is checked out to another library user, you may place a hold on the item. Because circulation periods are short, Himmelfarb Library does not have a recall policy.

  1. Hold requests may be made:
    • Online by logging into your library account with your GW UserID and password. (The login prompt is in the upper right corner of the window.)
    • Over the phone by calling 202-994-2962.
    • In person at the Circulation Desk.
  2. You will be notified by e-mail when the item is returned. Please be sure to supply contact information when placing holds.
  3. Items will be available for pickup at the Circulation Desk for 7 days after notification.
  4. If not picked up after 7 days, the item will be returned to the shelf or made available to the next requestor.

Need assistance?


Circulation Department
Location: First floor of the Himmelfarb Library
Phone: (202) 994-2962