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Global Health: Databases

Multidatabase Search

Search these databases to find scholarly articles on your topic:

Global Index Medicus

Collates information by WHO Regional Office Libraries to provide access to African Index Medicus (AIM), Index Medicus for the Eastern Mediterranean Region (IMEMR), Index Medicus for the South-East Asia Region (IMSEAR), Latin America and the Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS), and Western Pacific Index Medicus (WPRO).


Index to the Medical, Nursing and Allied Health, Public Health, and Global Health literature. PubMed includes all of MEDLINE plus records of articles uploaded to the PubMed Central repository. It can be searched using either keywords or Medical Subject Headings (MeSH) including names of Countries and Ethnicities.


Interdisciplinary citation and abstract database covering more than 16,000 peer-reviewed journals, tracking cited and citing literature.

Proquest Research Library

Multidsciplinary database with international coverage. Click the Databases menu item to be able to change and select which disciplines or regions you want to search including East & Central Europe, UK & Ireland, East & South Asia, India, Australasia, Africa, Middle East, Turkey, Central and South America, 

LILACS (Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences)   
Covers Latin American and Caribbean health sciences literature. Indexes articles from 670 + medical journals and also includes : theses, thesis chapters, books, book chapters, congress and conference proceedings, technical and scientific reports, and government publications.

Virtual Health Library

Latin American and Caribbean health sciences literature. Searches across multiple databases including LILACS, MedCarib, MEDLINE, Desastres, IBECS, PAHO, REPIDISCA, WHOLIS, CVSP,  LIS, CUMED, Index Psicologia, BBO, DeCs, Coleciona, BDENF, Hanseniase, Homeoindex, HISA, Index Psicologia, CidSaude, and SOF.  Search interface available in English and Spanish.  Produced by The Latin American and Caribbean Center on Health Sciences Information (BIREME/PAHO/WHO).

Native Health Research Database

American Indians, Alaska Natives, and Canadian First Nations, health literature.


World Health Organization publication repository.

World Development Indicators 
Country-level comparisons of economic development data.   Permits creation of customized reports comparising specified countries by specific development statistics.  Produced by the World Bank.

Health Systems Evidence

Database with international coverage indexing articles about how decisions about care are made [governance arrangements], how care is paid for [financial arrangements], how care is organized [delivery arrangements], and how change can be brought about[implementation strategies].

Climate Change and Human Health Literature Portal

Dissertations & Theses

Library Liaison

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Rebecca Kyser
Himmelfarb Health Sciences Library
2300 Eye Street, NW
Washington, DC 20037
(202) 994-1426