Take a look at what faculty at the GW Milken Institute of Public Health have published.
Health Equity Assessment Toolkit (HEAT): Software for exploring and comparing health inequalities (World Health Organization)
HEAT is a software application that enables users to explore the state of health inequality in one country of interest and compare the situation in that country with the situation in other countries. Health inequalities can be assessed using disaggregated data and summary measures that are visualized in an interactive and customisable way. Results can be exported and used for priority-setting and decision-making in countries.
The Built-in Database Edition of HEAT contains the WHO Health Equity Monitor database with data on currently more than 30 reproductive, maternal, newborn and child health indicators, disaggregated by five dimensions of inequality from Demographic and Health Surveys and Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys conducted in 94 countries between 1993 and 2013. This edition is available as an online application and as a standalone package for use offline through the WHO website.