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iPads for Medical Students: iPad Set-Up


These instructions are designed to assist 1st year medical students with setting up their iPads.


Need help?

If you have any difficulty in completing the iPad set up tasks, please contact:
GW IT Help Desk
  • (202) 994-GWIT (4948) OR
  • Mon-Fri: 8:00am - 5:00pm
  • Location: Himmelfarb Library 3rd Floor
Himmelfarb Library Reference

If you have additional questions, please contact:

More apps?

Himmelfarb Library's App Shelf provides information on the library's app collection including instructions for connecting these apps to the Library's institutional subscription in order to access premium app content.

The App Shelf provides information on additional Information Apps for specialty content (Visible Body Human Anatomy Atlas, Board Vitals, etc.) as well as additional apps including the New York Times and Wall Street Journal.

1. iPhone Settings: Turn Off Automatic Downloads

Update your iPhone settings before setting up your iPad.

If you have an iPhone, check your settings to determine if your phone apps will be automatically downloaded to your new ipad; leaving automatic downloads 'on' may significantly slow down the setup of your iPad.   To turn off the automatic download feature:

  1. On  your iPhone, access Settings, then select App Store.
  2. Scroll to the Automatic Downloads section
  3. Turn off the slider next to App Downloads

2. Name your iPad

iPad Settings Icon

Your iPad came with a generic name, but you will want to personalize the name.  

  1. On your iPad, access Settings then select General.
  2. Select About and then select Name.
  3. Provide your name.

3. Panopto

Panopto IconAbout this app: Panopto is an app which permits access to videos of lectures from you iPad.  Panopto is intended as a study tool, not a substitute for class attendance.  Please note that recordings include only voice/screen – not laser pointer, whiteboard, or panels.  While most sessions are recorded, some instructors or guest speakers may not permit recording; in addition, technology sometimes fails and so sessions may be missed.

When you'll use it:  to view the recording of a class either because you missed it or for review purposes.

To do:

  1. Access the Panopto app
  2. Provide your GW email address.
  3. Login to Blackboard with your GW UserID and password.  

4. DynaMed

DynaMed App IconAbout this app: DynaMed is a point-of-care information resource which includes drug and disease information. DynaMed contains more topics than epocrates+ and also provides more detail on clinical interventions and the quality of evidence for that information.  DynaMed is provided to you courtesy of Himmelfarb Library.

When you will use it: to find evidence-based information on specific conditions including diagnostic approaches

Access Options:  DynaMed is available as mobile-optimized web resources and/or as an app.  DynaMed web access provides you full access to DynaMed so long as you have a data or WiFi connection.  DynaMed app access provides you full access regardless of whether you have a data or Wifi connection; after activating DynaMed access on your iPad you can use the same account information to activate the app on your phone (Apple or Android).


Online Access

  1. DynaMed is available from Himmelfarb Library's homepage, and has been added to your iPad as a homescreen icon
  2. Locate the DynaMed icon on your device and select it to access this database.  

App Access (optional)

  1. Access DynaMed then click on  white circle icon in upper right of screen, then select 'My Account'.
  2. Select Sign Up then complete the form to create a personal account; select Create Account.
  3. Open the DynaMed app then select Sign in and provide your personal DynaMed username and password. 

Note: DynaMed's app requires authentication every twelve months to keep it activated.  

5. epocrates+

Epocrates Plus App IconAbout this app: epocrates+ is a point-of-care information resource which includes drug and disease information.  epocrates+  is the premium version of epocrates which provides disease/condition information as well as drug information.  Web access to epocrates+ is provided to you courtesy of Himmelfarb Library; the premium epocrates app is provided courtesy of epocrates, Inc.

When you will use it: to find evidence-based information on specific conditions including diagnostic approaches plus drug information.

Access Options:  epocrates+ is available as mobile-optimized web resources and/or as an app.  epocrates+ web access provides you full access to disease/condition articles and drug information so long as you have a data or WiFi connection.  epocrates app access provides you full access regardless of whether you have a data or Wifi connection and includes additional tools and calculators that are not available via web access; after activating epocrates+ access on your iPad you can use the same account Informatoin to activate the app on your phone (Apple or Android).

Online Access

  1. epocrates+ is available from Himmelfarb Library's homepage, and has been added to your iPad as a homescreen icon
  2. Locate the epocrates+ icon on your device and select it to access this database.  

App Access (optional)

  1. Access epocrates Create Account then complete the form to create a personal account; select Continue.
  2. Access Account Information, then select Payment & Subscription;  locate the option to add a discount code and copy/paste the code provided in your email.
  3. Open the epocrates app then select Sign in and provide your personal epocrates username and password. 

Note: epocrates app requires authentication every twelve months to keep it activated.

6. Lexidrug

About this app: Lexidrug is a comprehensive clinical drug information app including Lexi-Drugs and Lexi-Interact. Lexidrug is provided to you courtesy of Himmelfarb Library.

When you will use it: to look up specific drugs; to identify possible drug interactions; to identify visually identify drugs.

Access Options::  Lexidrug is available as a web resource and will display well on your iPad.  It can be accessed directly from from Himmelfarb Library's homepage.  The app version may be useful in settings where you do not have a data or WiFi connection and/or for installation on your Apple or Android phone.

App Access (optional)

***Important: the below instructions will allow you to activate Lexidrug at no charge via Himmelfarb Library's subscription.  Do not activate a Lexidrug trial which will incur a $29.99/month charge to your iTunes account.***

  1. Access Lexidrug and click on the blue button labeled Mobile Access Codes.
  2. Select the iPhone/iPod Touch/iPad platform and that you are a new customer; copy the authorization code displayed in red. You can copy directly from your iPad by holding your finger on the code and selecting copy from the pop-up menu.
  3. Create a personal Lexidrug account then login to your Lexidrug account.  
  4. Under Add a Subscription by Code, paste or type the Lexidrug authorization code.  To paste, hold your finger in the desired location and choose Paste from the pop-up menu.
  5. On your iPad, open Lexidrug and login with your Lexidrug login/password; Lexidrug content will automatically load to your iPad.  

Note: Lexidrug's app requires annual authentication to keep it activated.

7. OneNote

About this app: OneNote is note-taking program for free-form information gathering and multi-user collaboration. It gathers users' notes, drawings, screen clippings, and audio commentaries. Notes can be shared with other OneNote users.

When you will use it: to take notes in class including adding notes to instructor presentations. 

To do:  

  1. Access OneNote then click on Sign In
  2. To login, enter your, then follow the prompts to login on GW Single Sign On screens. 

8. Box

Box IconAbout this app: box is a cloud-based storage and collaboration service which is been licensed by GW for your use. 

When you will use it: to security store documents and back-up files. 

To do:

  1. Access  to login to then select Continue to create a GW Box account.
  2. Login with and the password.
  3. Access the box app on your iPad, then login with and the password.

9. Google Drive

Google Drive IconAbout this app: Google Drive provides you access to the document storage portion of your GWmail account.

When you will use it: secure storage for documents; can be used to back-up documents from selected apps on your iPad .

To do:

  1. Access settings then select Add Account.
  2. Use your as the username and tap Sign in; you don't need to enter the password on this screen.
  3. On the GW login screen, enter both your UserID and Password then click Sign-on.

10. GW Printing

About this app: GW Printing is the printing system at GW.  GW Printing is a cloud-based printing system which allows you to submit a print job from any location on campus, including from your iPad, and pick up the print job at any location.  Print kiosks are available at Himmelfarb Library (1st and 3rd floors) as well as at other campus locations.  

You may pay with your GWorld Card, credit card (a $0.40 transaction fee is applied), or funds deposited into your GW Printing account.  A $30 printing credit is allocated to each enrolled GW student in late August/early September To use these credits, students must activate the printing credits.

When you will use it: if you want to print any course materials or other documents while you are at GW.

To do:

  1. Open the Wēpa app and swipe left through the tutorial.
  2. Select Choose your School, then choose The George Washington University.  Tip: type George.
  3. Login with your and password.
  4. To test, open Google Drive app then open any document. 
    • Click on the three dots in the upper right corner of the screen then select Share & Export.
    • Select Send a Copy then choose Wēpa Print and follow the prompts.



Please note: to complete the two final steps of your iPad set-up, you will need information which will be distributed later.  Once you have that information, please return to complete these final steps.

1. Google Calendar

Google Calendar IconAbout this app:  class schedules and locations.  

When you'll use it: daily in order to know when and where your classes will occur.

To do:

  1. On Friday, August 2 at 2:30 p.m., you will gain access your courses via Blackboard; login to Blackboard using your UserID and password, access the Foundations course, then click on Calendar from the left hand menu.
  2. Using a laptop/desktop computer, login to your GW email account then open the Calendar area.
  3. Click the + sign next to 'Other Calendar' and then select 'From URL' and copy/paste each curricular calendar.
  4. On your iPad, open the Calendars app and ensure that you have access to each of the curricular calendars.   

2. Examplify

Examplify AppAbout this app:  secure, offline testing application for iPad.

When you'll use it: to take exams.

To do:

  1. Download Examplify app
  2. Watch your email account for an email from Kathleen Kline/Office of Medical Education with your Examplify account information; the email will arrive during your first week of class.
  3. Sign in to Examplify app and download exam.
  4. Complete the Introduction to Examplify quiz. This ungraded quiz will not take more than 10 minutes to complete and is used to verify that you have correctly downloaded and installed the software and to familiarize you with the Examplify platform.
  5. Upload your answers to the quiz.