Step into the world of virtual reality! Are curious to learn about VR technology? Himmelfarb Library is offering a monthly demo of its Oculus 2 VR headsets and some of the apps installed on them. We’ll show you how to use the headset and controllers, and you can try out some of our health and wellness apps installed on the Oculus headsets.
Medical Holodeck
Our headsets also come pre-loaded with Medical Holodeck, a VR-based virtual anatomy program designed for health education. Study 3D anatomical models and perform high-resolution virtual dissections.
Healthy Living apps
Our National Geographic Explore VR app lets you explore Antarctica and Machu Picchu. The Nature Treks VR immerses you in the natural environment of your choice, be it forests, beaches, or even outer space! Need to relax and re-center yourself? Explore the Guided Meditation VR app. Unguided meditations feature calming music and ambient sounds.
Demo location and time
Our Acquisitions & Resource Sharing Librarian, Ian Roberts, is offering VR demos on the last Wednesday afternoon of every month at Himmelfarb. Visit the first-floor alcove near the Circulation Desk.
More Information
Visit our VR Headsets Resource Guide to learn about our apps, and about borrowing and using the Oculus 2 headsets at Himmelfarb Library. You may also reach out to Ian directly at