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Online Access: Access Issues

Issue: Zotero

Issue: GW users who installed the optional Zotero Connector plugin  may get stuck in a 'loop' and be unable to access library resources.  

Suggested Fix: If you use the optional Zotero Connector plugin for your browser, you'll need to disable the "Enable proxy redirection" feature with our old proxy server. This can prevent you from accessing GW's subscriptions! 

  1. In the browser with Zotero Connector, navigate to the Zotero Connector settings.
  2. Click on the Proxies tab.
  3. In the Configured Proxies list, if you have any URLs containing "proxygw" in them, please remove these by selecting and clicking on the "-" button at the bottom of the list.
  4. Uncheck the tickbox next to Enable proxy redirection. (Or if you have access to another institution's proxy, you can use "Enable proxy redirection" with that. Just make sure you're not using our old proxygw among the configured proxies.)

Zotero Connector Settings

Issue: Single Sign-On

Issue: GW users who access Himmelfarb Library's online resources from other institutions or sites which use a Single Sign-On (e.g. Children's National, GW Medical Faculty Associates, etc.) aren't able to login to Himmelfarb Library resources.  The local institution's account information is automatically submitted to GW's single sign-on system rather than the user's GW UserID account information.

Suggested Workarounds

Option #1: Use one web browser for most work and reserve a second web browser for logging into Himmelfarb Library and other GW functions.  This option works well if you are working from a computer that you use regularly as you can remain logged in.

  1. Open the web browser selected for Himmelfarb/GW, then clear the browser's history and cookies.
  2. A prompt may appear at the top of the screen asking the user to login to a non-GW institution; log off/deactivate this function.
  3. Access the Himmelfarb Library webpage and select the database, e-text, or e-journal which you would like to access; you will be prompted to login with your GW UserID and password and then the resource should display automatically.


Option #2: Open an 'incognito' browser window.  This option works well if you are working from a computer that is shared with other users.

  1. Open an incognito browser window:
    • Chrome: click on three stacked dots in upper right corner of window, then select 'New Incognito window'
    • Edge: click on three horizontal dots in upper right corner of window, then select 'New InPrivate window'
    • Safari: from File menu, select 'New Private Window'
    • Internet Explorer: click on gear menu in upper right corner of window, then select Safety followed by InPrivate Browsing
    • Mozilla Firefox: click on three stacked horizontal lines in upper right corner of window, then select New Private Window
  2. Access the Himmelfarb Library webpage and select the database, e-text, or e-journal which you would like to access; you will be prompted to login with your GW UserID and password and then the resource should display automatically.

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