While waiting for your article or book to arrive through Documents2Go, you may notice the status of your request changes as it is processed. Listed below are a few descriptions of the most commonly seen statuses in your Documents2Go account.
- Awaiting Copyright Clearance: Documents2Go staff must verify that each request complies with certain copyright regulations. If the request meets these criteria, it will be routed for further processing.
- Awaiting Request Processing: Once a request passes Copyright Clearance, it will remain in this queue until it is processed by a staff member.
- Awaiting Unfilled Processing: The request has been sent to potential lending libraries, but it has not been filled. We are trying to locate additional libraries that may own the material; this process can take several days before all potential libraries respond and either accept or decline the request.
- Awaiting Conditional Processing: A potential lending library has responded to the request by asking us to clarify something or comply with special conditions (high cost, restricted use, etc.) before they will lend the item.
- Awaiting Patron Response: Documents2Go staff have contacted you about this request and are waiting to hear back from you before proceeding with the request.
- Request Sent: Your request is being routed to libraries that own the title.
- Awaiting Odyssey Processing: This request has been delivered from the lender and is waiting electronic delivery processing on our end.
- Request in Processing: The request is being processed by ILL staff.
- Checked Out To Customer: This means your ILL book has arrived, has been checked out to your account, and is available for pickup. Your request will remain in this status until the item is returned to the circulation desk at Himmelfarb, or until the due date has been reached.
- Cancelled by ILL Staff: In most situations, if an article is cancelled it’s because we already own it, it was a duplicate request, or the user has requested us to cancel it. If for whatever reason you are not sure why your request might have been cancelled, feel free to contact us at (202) 994-2860 or by email at mlbdoc@gwu.edu
- Request Finished: This status refers to requests that have been closed.