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Poll Everywhere: Activities & Activity Flow

Activity Types & Activity Flow

What types of activities are available in Poll Everywhere?

What does the 'activity flow' mean?

Activity flow refers to the format of the slide or slides inserted into the slide deck for a specific Poll Everywhere activity.

  • Default flow is the standard in which a single slide is create per activity and the presenter can choose when to display the results of the interactivity and when to lock/unlock the activity by using the controls displayed on the slide
  • Instructor flow is available for activities which include at least one correct answer.  The instructor flow inserts three slides:  Instructions slide, Results slide (responses locked when this slide is displayed), and Correctness slide (shows correct answers).
  • Engagement flow is available for activities which don't have a correct answer specified.  The engagement flow inserts three slides: Instructions side, Results slide, and the Locked slide.

Multiple Choice

Ask a question and let participants choose from a list of answers.

Example of multiple choice question.

You can present a dynamic chart of answers:

Example of multiple choice responses chart.

Word Cloud

Visualize audience responses as a dynamic word cloud.

Example of word cloud.

Clickable Image

Participants click anywhere on the image to respond.

Example of clickable image.

True or False

Question & Answer

Participants respond to a question and can upvote and downvote other answers. Answers with the most votes rise to the top.

Example of Q&A.


Participants type in answers to your open-ended question.

Example of responses to an open-ended question.

Other Activities

True or False:  Rapidly assess if your audience's take on if a statement is true or false

Numeric Rating:  Students can rank their feedback on an issue on a scale of 1 to 5.

Competition: Create a series of multiple-choice questions. Participants compete to answer fastest.

Self-Paced Survey: Create a series of questions (any type: multiple choice, word cloud, Q&A, clickable image, open-ended). Participants can answer at their own pace. This activity is useful for asynchronous participation.