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Poll Everywhere: Creating Poll Everywhere slides online

Creating Poll Everywhere slides online

  1. Open the Poll Everywhere login page and enter your Poll Everywhere login/password.

  2. In the upper left area of the window, click on the "+ Activity" button   

  3. Select the type of activity you wish to create, and edit it. 

  4. Click on Create in the bottom right of the Poll Question window.

  5. To add the activity to a PowerPoint presentation, open PowerPoint, then select the Poll Everywhere tab.

  6. Click on Log In and enter your Poll Everywhere login/password.

  7. Choose Insert Slide. Select the activity you want from the list and click on Insert Poll

Poll Everywhere Instructions Slide

To let your students know how to login to your Poll Everywhere polls and submit the answer, insert an instructions slide just prior to your first poll.  If you're using Google Slides, you don't need to insert an instructions slide as the information will be displayed on each Poll Everywhere slide.