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SciENcv: Section C: Contributions to Science

Section C: Contributions to Science

All senior/key persons should complete the "Contributions to Science" section except candidates for research supplements to promote diversity in health-related research who are high school students, undergraduates, and post-baccalaureates.

1. In the Contributions to Science section, Click 'Edit section.' 

A section labeled "C. Contribution to Science", followed by an "Edit section" link.

2. Click 'edit' to open the field where you can write your contribution. 

The Contribution to Science form. A caption states, "You can add up to 5 contributions. Drag and drop tabs to rearrange." The form is displayed as a tabbed box, with editable sections labeled "Description" and "Citations".

3. Briefly describe up to five of your most significant contributions to science. The description of each contribution should be no longer than one half page, including citations. To save your work, click the checkmark under the text box. 

A screenshot of the Contribution to Science form with the Description field opened for editing. An arrow points to the green checkmark icon below the Description field. Clicking it will save edits.

4. For each contribution, indicate the following:

  • The historical background that frames the scientific problem;
  • The central finding(s);
  • The influence of the finding(s) on the progress of science or the application of those finding(s) to health or technology; and
  • Your specific role in the described work.
  • Figures, tables, or graphics are not allowed.

5. To add another contribution, select 'Add another contribution' to open a new tab. 

The Contribution to Science form, with an arrow pointing to the "Add another contribution" link between the form header and the editable fields.



For each contribution, you may cite up to four publications or research products that are relevant to the contribution. To add a citation, click 'select citations.' 

The Contribution to Science form, with an arrow pointing to the "Select citations" link in the Citations section of the editable fields.

If you are not the author of the product, indicate what your role or contribution was. Note that while you may mention manuscripts that have not yet been accepted for publication as part of your contribution, you may cite only published papers to support each contribution. Research products can include audio or video products (see the NIH Grants Policy Statement, Section Post-Submission Grant Application Materials); conference proceedings such as meeting abstracts, posters, or other presentations; patents; data and research materials; databases; educational aids or curricula; instruments or equipment; models; protocols; and software or netware. Use of hyperlinks and URLs to cite these items is not allowed.

You are allowed to cite interim research products. Note: interim research products have specific citation requirements. See related Frequently Asked Questions for more information.

You may provide a hyperlinked URL to a full list of your published work. This hyperlinked URL must be to a Federal Government website (a .gov suffix). NIH recommends using My Bibliography. Providing a URL to a list of published work is not required. For more information on adding URLs for published work, please see the Populating Publications box.

Descriptions of contributions may include a mention of research products under development, such as manuscripts that have not yet been accepted for publication. These contributions do not have to be related to the project proposed in this application.

if you are submitting a Non-Fellowship biosketch, your biosketch is complete after Section C and may be downloaded. If you are applying for an NIH Fellowship, please move forward to Section D: Scholastic Performance. 

Source: General Application Guide for NIH and Other PHS Agencies: G.240-R&R Senior/Key Person Profile (Expanded) Form. (2022). NIH Grants & Funding.

Population Publications

In the 'Contributions of Science' section of the biosketch, applicants may submit a full list of publications. The full publication list is supplemental and not required when submitting the research proposal. 

When submitting a publication list with URLs, the NIH requires that the hyperlink URLs come from a Federal Government website (.gov suffix). The NIH recommends applicants use My Bibliography to fulfill this requirement. 

There are four options to populate a My Bibliography collection with author-specific citations:

Source: MY NCBI Help: My Bibliography. (n.d.). National Library of Medicine