One advantage to having an ORCID iD is the ability to automatically populate works in an NIH or NSF Biosketch.
1. Start by logging into your NCBI account or by creating an NCBI account. If you are having difficulties with logging into your NCBI account or need to merge accounts, contact the NCBI Support Center.
2. On the My NCBI Dashboard, go to the SciENcv icon and select "Manage SciENcv" to reach your SciENcv profile. If you have used SciEncv before, it will show links to biosketches you've already created.
3. To create a new document, start by adding a document name, then select the appropriate format for your Biosketch.
4. Under the "Choose data source" box, add ORCID as an external source. You must link to an eRA Commons account to use this option.
6. Once your Biosketch has been created, you can automatically add citations from your ORCID iD to the Personal Statement (Section A.) and Contributions to Science (Section C.). In either section, start by clicking on "Select citations."
7. Click the "ORCID" tab, click the boxes next to the desired citations, and click "Save Citations."
8. Include a list of your complete works included in My Bibliography by clicking on "Include link to complete list of published works in My Bibliography."