Acute Indications for Dialysis "AEIOU"
- Acidosis
- Electrolytes (e.g., hyperkalemia)
- Intoxication (e.g., methanol, lithium, ASA, ethylene glycol)
- Volume Overload
- Uremia
Diseases and Pathophysiology in Nephrology. In: Huppert LA, Dyster TG. eds. Huppert’s Notes: Pathophysiology and Clinical Pearls for Internal Medicine. McGraw Hill; 2021. Accessed December 06, 2022.§ionid=257402583
Gravity and Parity
"The patient’s obstetric history is concisely communicated via her gravity and parity. The term gravid means “pregnant”; gravida is the total number of pregnancies that a women has had, regardless of the outcome. Parity is the number of delivered or completed pregnancies (independent of gestational age or pregnancy location in the case of ectopic gestation). Parity is expressed by means of 4 components:
Term deliveries: occurring at or beyond 37 weeks’ gestation
Preterm deliveries: having given birth to an infant (alive or deceased) at or beyond 20 weeks’ gestation (based on obstetric dating and/or the first day of the LMP)
Abortions: pregnancies ending prior to 20 weeks, either induced or spontaneous; ectopic gestations are included in this determination
Living children
When gravidity and parity are calculated as part of the obstetric history, multiple gestation is designated as a single event; however, each infant is included in the living child component of parity determination."
Bernstein HB. Normal Pregnancy & Prenatal Care. In: DeCherney AH, Nathan L, Laufer N, Roman AS. eds. CURRENT Diagnosis & Treatment: Obstetrics & Gynecology, 12e. McGraw Hill; 2019. Accessed November 22, 2022.§ionid=206957929
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Keeping Up with Health Sciences Information
"Try to read something medical every day. This will help you to stay abreast of new developments and provide an opportunity to become reacquainted with things that you've learned and forgotten. Medicine is less about achieving mastery then it is about reinforcing old lessons. Our individual "knowledge tanks" leak information on a daily basis. There is no way to plug the hole. Instead, you must continually replenish by adding to the top."
Goldberg, C. (2018). A few thoughts before you go... Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine.