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Internal Medicine Residency Readings: Wireless Access & Clinical Systems

Information resources to support questions and discussion from resident report/morning report.

GW MFA Epic Access

MFA Epic login via desktop/laptop computer

  1. Access
  2. If VM Horizon is installed on your computer, select VM Horizon HTML Access, otherwise, select Install VM Horizon Client.  
  3. Enter your MFA Network login ( and password, then click on 'Login'.
  4. A virtual desktop should display; double-click the icon for Epic.

Need assistance with your login/password: call MFA IT at 202-741-3636

GW Hospital Clinical Systems

  1. Download app from iTunes: Citrix Receiver
  2. Access the GW Hospital Physician Portal.


On a desktop computer:

  1. Access your GWemail account, then select 'Settings'.
  2. In Settings, select the tab for 'Forwarding and POP/IMAP'.
  3. Select 'Enable IMAP' then click 'Save Changes'.

On your phone:

  1. Select 'Add Account' and Google
  2. Account information should be added in this format:

If you have questions, please consult detailed instructions for Andoid, iPhone, Blackberry, and Windows Mobile 6 or request assistance at the Reference Desk. 

GW University Hospital Wireless

The GW Hospital provides several wireless access from within the GW Hospital; to access the guest wireless network which does not require a login/password: 

  1. Select GWHOSPITAL wireless network.
  2. Consent to user agreement.
  3. Login/pwd not required, but you will need to select this wireless network each time you want to use it.

George Washington University Wireless

Wireless access to the GW computer network is available from Himmelfarb Library, Ross Hall Room, and from other areas on campus. Wireless access is available to GW students, faculty, and staff.

Instructions for connecting to GWireless

  1. Connect to the 'GWireless' network from your device's list of available networks.
  2. When prompted, provide your GW UserID and password.
  3. After a Certificate screen displays, select Accept.

Questions about GWireless?